The Alexander Technique in London and Somerset
Alan Philps MSTAT  
Teacher of the Alexander Technique and Voice Coach
About Me
Like many people, I originally came to the Alexander Technique through performance.  As an actor, I trained at the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, Australia and then moved to London to study voice with Florence Norberg in 1976.

Performers of all kinds are often painfully aware of the effects of tension and stress on their ability to perform.  Chronic stress, aches and pains and 'bad posture' plague the industry.  The way we use our body is also crucial to the strength of a performance - for clarity of speech, stamina, subtlety and authenticity.  I was not alone in struggling with these things and it was at this time that I came across the Alexander Technique.  Since then it has been the focus of my life and career.

I trained with Walter and Dilys Carrington from 1983-85.  Walter and Dilys were the foremost proponents of the Alexander Technique across the world for many years. They were trained by F M Alexander himself and continued his work training teachers at the Constructive Teaching Centre in London.  I have worked on that course since completing my training and am now the Director and Head of Training at CTC.

I also specialise in voice work and present voice workshops internationally.  I conduct both group and individual voice work at the Constructive Teaching Centre, where I also give private lessons in the Alexander Technique.  I also have a private practice in Wedmore, Somerset.
Alan Philps - Teacher of the Alexander Technique and Voice Coach
Copyright and web design : Waving Moose Communications
I would be delighted to give you the experience of the Alexander Technique, please contact me to book a lesson or if you have any further questions.